Kumkumadi Face Serum, Kumkumadi Oil, Kumkumadi Tailam

Kumkumadi Face Serum: Get a Glowing & Radiant Skin

Ayurvedic Kumkumadi face serum-oil

The secret to glowing and radiant skin is kumkumadi face serum. It has various properties that work on your skin to achieve the desired results.

Let’s look at some of them.

1. Skin Brightening Properties

The most prominent element of Kumkumadi Tailam is Saffron which is well known for its proficiency to transform our skin tone. It brightens the complexion by promoting blood circulation and rebuilding the skin cells.

Another ingredient with the same benefit is Sandalwood (Chandana). It is derived from the fragrant wood of the Sandalwood tree. It comprises skin-lightening agents with calming properties that make the Kumkumadi Oil suitable to apply even in summers.

To bring out a glowing complexion naturally, we can rely on these ingredients of Kumkumadi Face Serum.

2. Kumkumadi Face Serum: Healing Properties

Kumkumadi Face Serum is not all about skin brightening and glowing, it works as a healing agent in treating skin infections and problems like blemishes, bacterial infections, etc.

An ingredient named Lac (Laksha) in the serum is responsible for these properties. It is antifungal in nature. Along with Lac, another ingredient that is named Madder (Manjistha) also has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Extracts from Indian Redwood and pollen of lotus flower also give healing properties naturally.

3. Treating Pigmentation and Discolouration

Licorice root extract (Madhuyashtika) present in Kumkumadi Tailam is a natural skin-lightening Ayurvedic ingredient. It stops the enzyme that causes pigmentation due to sun exposure. It also diminishes the pigmentation that is occurred because of scars. The serum also has the capability to reduce dark spots, acne marks, and discoloration.

4. Regulating Oiliness

Kumkumadi Serum does not make your skin oily. Perhaps, it has unique ingredients that are beneficial for all skin types including oily skin. For example, Indian Barberry (Kaliyaka) reduces the production of skin lipids or sebum that tames oily skin and prevents acne. It is a natural moisturizer that makes our skin glowing.

It is advisable for people with oily skin to use only one or two drops of Kumkumadi face serum on their face and it will be enough to give nourishing hydration to their face.

Related article:Kumkumadi Tailam: Benefits, Uses, Ingredients, Side Effects & More

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q1. Is Kumkumadi Face serum suitable for all skin types?

Ans. Yes, Kumkumadi Face Serum is a natural moisturizer. It balances rough and dry skin. Also, it works best on oily skin. It is not advised to use this serum on acne-prone skin.

Q2. Does Kumkumadi Face Serum cure dark circles?

Ans. Yes, this serum can be used at night to cure dark circles. You should take two drops of oil on your palm and apply them to your face with the top of your ring fingers. Let it work overnight and see the results in a few weeks.

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