Kumkumadi Face Serum, Kumkumadi Oil, Kumkumadi Tailam

Kumkumadi Tailam Benefits, Uses, Ingredients, & Method to Apply

kumkumadi tailam benefits

Do you want to know Kumkumadi Tailam Benefits as well as Kumkumadi Tailam Ingredients, Kumkumadi Tailam Uses so read this article carefully.

People in ancient times were experts in experimenting with herbs and natural ingredients. Ancestors knew the goodness of natural ingredients is priceless. Moreover, once these ingredients are infused to make a product it will also be priceless.

One of them is the Miraculous Elixir, Kumkumadi Oil and there are numerous amazing kumkumadi tailam benefits for facials. This oil is said to be a valuable gift for mankind due to its skin-related problem-solving abilities. It makes your skin glow like gold naturally.

In Sanskrit, red gold saffron is known as KUMKUMA. And the Kumkumadi name has arrived from this main key ingredient. Kumkumadi Tailam is an extraordinary ayurvedic beneficial combination of herbs that acts as a magical treatment for enriching skin health and dealing with various skin problems.


This ayurvedic tailam or oil is a fabulous blend of flower, fruit, plant, and milk extracts. This makes it a beneficial beauty product that solves problems like skin infections, hyperpigmentation, allergy, pimples, and eczema. Moreover, kumkumadi is better known as the ԉ۪miraculous elixirՉ۪ because when it is applied regularly to the skin, it glows like gold. The literal meaning of Kumkumadi Tailam is Saffron Oil.

What is Kumkumadi Tailam?

Kumkumadi Tailam is an ayurvedic facial oil that is made entirely from natural herbs and oil. This gives it the power of cosmetic as well as therapeutic benefits; especially for the skin. It works as a cleanser, toner, and moisturizer while giving ample nourishment to your skin.

Kumkumadi Tailam Benefits

Kumkumadi Tailam benefits, the miracle face glowing oil that is prescribed in Ayurveda for glossy, shiny, and glowing skin. It works wonders on your skin when massaged at night on your face.

  • Lightens skin tone and improves skin texture to illuminate skin naturally
  • Minimizes dark circles and repairs damaged skin cells
  • Works to cure hyperpigmentation and signs of ageing
  • Gets rid of skin discoloration
  • Treats scars and blemishes
  • Brightens dull skin.

The secret behind these valuable benefits is the ingredients of Kumkumadi Tailam. Kumkumadi Oil is prepared from approximately 21 herbs. It is made into a paste. Furthermore, almost all the herbs that are known to have super benefits on the skin are used as ingredients in Kumkumadi tailam.

However, sesame oil is added as the base oil to get consistency and full nutrition from the ingredients. Each of the Kumkumadi tailam ingredients has numerous benefits on its own. Hence, when added together results in a magical oil.

Related Post – How to Use Kumkumadi Tailam for Skin Whitening?

Kumkumadi Tailam Ingredients

The wisely chosen herbs with 20-26 ingredients and age-old preparation methods made this oil astounding. A perfect formulation for getting crystal clear and beautiful skin naturally. The following below are the ingredients of the kumkumadi tailam:

Kumkuma (Saffron): Saffron improves skin complexion and lightens skin color.

Manjistha: This red root improves blood circulation. It purifies blood, reduces pigmentation, and stimulates faster wound healing.

Chandana (Sandalwood): Sandalwood reduces pimples, acne marks, blemishes, dullness, and excess oil from the skin. It nourishes and cleanses the skin.

Laksha: Laksha helps in wound healing and healing of fractures.

Daruharidra (Tree turmeric): Haldi has powerful anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties that evade infections and treat various skin problems.

Vetiver: The powerful antiseptic properties of vetiver balance hormonal disorders. It improves circulation and treats underlying skin conditions.

Padmaka (Indian lotus): This ingredient helps to reduce pain and inflammation. It is also used to treat asthma, cough, and cold symptoms.

Nilotpala (Indian Water Lily): The water lily plant extracts play a vital role in brightening complexions, regenerating the skin, and moisturizing it.

Vata or Banyan: Prevents skin infections and is beneficial in treating moles.

Kamala Kesara (lotus stamen): It is a natural skin conditioner that hydrates and moisturizes the skin while preventing acne breakouts and dry flaky skin.

Dashamoola (10 medicinal roots): This is formed by using ten different plant roots. It normalizes Vata aggravations as described in Ayurveda. It improves blood circulation, detoxifies the skin, diminishes fine lines, etc.

Agnimantha: It prevents dark circles and other various signs of ageing.

Shyonaka: It helps in the faster healing of wounds and also detoxifies the blood.

Patala:  Highly recommended herb for purifying the blood.

Shalaparni: Shalaparni treats allergic conditions and skin infections easily. It also gives relief from redness, itching, and dryness.

Gokshura: It is an amazing skin emollient. It solves problems like wrinkles, fine lines, dark circles, etc, and gives smooth and glowing skin.

Kantakari: Kantakari promotes skin health by treating several skin diseases.

Madhuka: Extracts from the Madhuca Indica tree provide relief from itching and burning sensations due to burns, scalds, and eczema.

kumkumadi tailam

Kumkumadi Tailam Uses

The use of kumkumadi tailam is very simple and anyone can implement the oil. Because it is beneficial for all skin types and natures. However, the following below are the kumkumadi oil benefits and process of the oiling procedure.

Improves Complexion

The most important ingredient of kumkumadi oil, Saffron with other herbs enhances skin complexion. Regular use of this face glowing oil reduces sun tan and provides natural radiance to the skin from within.

Prevents Acne & Pimples

The Kumkumadi oil is loaded with antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, and anti-bacterial properties. Therefore, it is exceptionally useful for treating skin infections like acne, pimples, etc. The main kumkumadi oil benefits are that it works as a gentle cleanser and cleans the skin pores by removing dead skin cells.

A simple hack to reduce acne and pimples is:

– Blend a teaspoon of shankha bhasma with a drop of Kumkumadi Tailam.
– Apply it to the areas affected with acne and pimples.
– Regular application of this mixture prevents the growth of acne and also provides a cooling effect on the skin.

Work as a Sunscreen

According to some researchers, saffron pollens act as a natural sun protection thanks to their anti-inflammatory properties. Hence, kumkumadi tailam benefits the skin with SPF 30. Similarly, the presence of extracts, natural herbs, and essential oils protects the skin from harmful UVA and UVB rays. Because of this, it reduces tanning and fights signs of premature aging.

Lessens Scars

After getting rid of acne, scars are also difficult to deal with. It easily penetrates deep into our skin cells and reduces scars effectively.

Heals Wounds

Kumkumadi tailam is well-known for its antiseptic, antibacterial, and disinfectant properties.

  • An easy regime to get the most benefit from this oil is to:
  • Mix equal proportions of Kumkumadi oil and almond oil,
  • Apply it all over your face using a moistened cotton ball,
  • Allow it to stay overnight.


How to Use Kumkumadi Tailam Face Oil?

Following three simple steps can help you get bright skin and treat damaged, dull, pigmented, and ageing skin.


The first step is always to wash your face (Use Best Kumkumadi Face Wash) and apply pure rose water.

Facial Oiling

Take (2-3 drops) of Kumkumadi face oil on your palm and apply it all over the face with your fingertips. To get the full kumkumadi tailam benefits gently massage until it is absorbed fully by the skin.


Allow Kumkumadi oil is an Ayurvedic Product that heals and repairs your skin in a slow and sustained manner. Nonetheless, as effective kumkumadi tailam uses, leave it overnight to get the best results. Wash it the next morning with a natural cleanser that is mild to your skin.


Read More – Top 5 Reasons to Apply Kumkumadi Oil on Your Skin

Kumkumadi Tailam Side Effects

This magical elixir is safe to use even during pregnancy and breastfeeding. There are no such adverse side effects of the kumkumadi tailam. However, one should consult a doctor when using the oil through the Nasya procedure.

Besides, the Mahaguna Kumkumadi Tailam is an Ayurvedic Product that heals and repairs your skin in a slow and sustained manner.

Today, we trust quick results from artificial and chemical products but they do more harm than good in the long term. Hence, to fulfil your facial skin’s unique needs, you must include Mahaguna Kumkumadi Tailam: Miracle Face Glowing Oil in your daily skincare routine.

Kumkumadi oil benefits for skin

Kumkumadi oil

If you are tired of dull and flaky skin and have a chaotic lifestyle, then kumkumadi tailam is the perfect natural remedy for you. No hassle just the dazzle! The kumkumadi oil is an ayurvedic mixture of powerful herbs and ingredients that specifically work like magic on your skin. Regular usage of kumkumadi face oil will let your skin breathe and glow within a few days of use. The face oil relaxes your skin and naturally improves its texture. After all, your face is the first impression!
Mahaguna’s special face oil is delicately crafted to suit your skin and rejuvenate its lost glow back.

5 essential benefits of kumkumadi oil

Kumkumadi Tailam oil for the face is a fine herbal oil made up of ayurvedic ingredients having goat milk, sesame oil, saffron, sandalwood, Indian banyan, java fig, blue lotus and many more. These ingredients vary from 20 to 26. Having said that, the mix of all-natural ingredients poses the following benefits:-

1.    Skin complexion and brightening

The kumkumadi oil for the face is pivotal for improving skin complexion or tanned skin tone. The golden oil is rich in the red saffron thread that is well known for its skin-lighting properties. The oil also poses strong anti-oxidant properties that help in skin cell repair. Being an anti-bacterial oil, it helps in rejuvenating skin tissues. It also reduces the release of the pigment melanin which in turn helps in improving complexion.

2.    Effectively treats hyperpigmentation

Hyperpigmentation is a phenomenon which makes your skin soggy and darkens some areas of your skin. The skin looks heavily spotted and uneven. Kumkumadi Tailam essentially for the face is a magic potion that you can apply to the affected areas. The face oil is a strong anti-oxidant as well as anti-inflammatory, helps in treating pigmented spots and relieves irritated skin.

3.    Remove active acne and oily pimples

Being exposed to dirt and pollution, our skin pores tend to clog and form oil. This greasy oil then causes redness in pimples and active acne that can leave long-lasting dark spots. To relieve the skin, kumkumadi face oil for skin acts as a cleanser and toner. It cleans the clogged pores, and keeps them unaffected and minimized. Thus kumkumadi is a powerful ingredient to add to your skincare regime.

4.    Acts as a UV protectant

The kumkumadi face oil is rich in saffron, lotus extracts, sesame oil and herbs that are scientifically proven to have heat and inflammation-protecting properties. It is also believed that saffron is just as powerful as SPF 30, and thus along with other ingredients, makes kumkumadi a sunscreen as well.

5.    Scars and wounds diminishing

Kumkumadi Tailam is all that you needed every time your skin is left with scary scars or wounds. Kumkumadi is an essential face oil that is effective in treating wounds as well as acts as an antiseptic. It helps in reducing and fading away scars or dark spotted marks.

Mahaguna’s exclusively hand-crafted natural kumkumadi oil for skin can help your skin glow like gold and provides you with nourished young skin.

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